Wash Packages We offer a wide variety of washes to choose from.View Wash Packages > Pet Wash Fido will enjoy this first class facility...shampoo, conditioner, odor control and blow dry!View Pet Wash > Feedback Tell us what you think! Send us your feedback and you could win a $20 gift card!Send Feedback > Contact Us If you have a question, we want to answer it for you! Please call or send a message.Contact Us >
Our Happy Customers ★★★★★ "Hands down the best car wash in Yankton!"- Bill and Tina M. ★★★★★ "I always know my ride will come out looking like I drove off the showroom floor!"- Amanda B. ★★★★★ "My family bought me a gift card here for Christmas and it's a gift they know I will use! Always pleased with this wash!"- Adam D.